
  • Overview
    Leagues allow Lords to unite their Allies under a well-organized command structure with one name, banner, and hierarchy.

    Each member of a League has their own credentials, duties, and responsibilities within the group.
  • Creating a League
    You must attain level 10 before you may create a League.

    Go to the Embassy, open the "My League" tab, enter a unique name for your League, and design a unique custom banner using the banner generator.

    You can send other Lords invitations to join your League via the "Friends" list or by going to your Friend's Castle and clicking "Invite to League" from the Actions menu.

    You can cancel sent invitations from the "Invitations" tab of your League.

    You can accept or decline the requests to join your League from the "Applicants" tab of your League.

    Once you have created a League, which consists of 10 members of the cadre strength; it will have an Academy to recruit and train Neophytes.
    The number of Neophytes your Academy may train at any given time is 10. A player must reach Level 5 to become a Neophyte at the Academy.
  • Joining or leaving a League
    You can join a League in the following ways:
    - Accept another Lord's invitation from the "Embassy" tab of your Embassy - your Herald will inform you each time you receive a new one.
    - Send a request to a League Marshal by clicking "Join League" in the "Leagues" tab.

    Once you've reached Level 5, you may become a Neophyte in the League's Academy without sending an Application if the League has spaces to train new players in their Academy. The number of spaces for Neophytes is limited to 10. To do so go to the Embassy and open the "Join League" tab and click "Join now". If you haven't decided which League or Academy to apply for, click the "Join Random League" at the bottom of the screen. This will place you with within an open League based on your language preferences and Castle location.

    You can be a member of only 1 League at a time. To join another League, you must first leave your current League. If you are a League Marshal and wish to join another one, you must first delegate your status to another League member before being able to leave.

    You may leave your League in one of the following ways:

    A. Go to the "Leagues" icon on the right-hand side of the screen, open the "My League" tab, and click on the "Warriors" subtab. Find yourself in the list of players and click the "Leave League" button alongside your name.

    B. Go to the Embassy, open the "My League" tab, and click on the "Warriors" subtab. Find your name in the list of players and click the "Leave League" button beside it.

    Remember, though, that life in Darkshine will be more difficult without brothers in arms, so do not make this decision lightly!
  • League Ranks
    League Rank determines your position in the League, as well as your duties and credentials.
    Only the League Marshals and their League Captains can set League Ranks for other members of the League.

    The Ranks are as follows: League Marshal, League Captain, Field Commander, Fighter, Knight, Guardian, Ambassador, Ranger, Soldier, Recruit, and Neophyte.

    - The League Marshals and their League Captains command and manage the League. They can set League Ranks for other members, accept and remove players, Issue Orders and update League News.

    - The Field Commander is the Lord responsible for coordinating the League's military actions, and reports directly to the League Marshal or his or her Captains.

    - Fighters are League members famous for both offense and defense.

    - Knights - League members specializing in raids and sieges.

    - Guardians – League members specializing in defense of League holdings and Castle liberation.

    - Ambassadors - League members specializing in establishing diplomatic relations with other Leagues.

    - Ranger - League members specializing in gathering intelligence about rival Leagues.

    - Soldiers – regular League members of no special position or duty.

    - Recruits – newly joined members of the League, who've yet to be trained under the watchful eye of the League Marshal.

    - Neophytes are League Members who haven't yet completed initial League Training. Once they've honed their skills they can be promoted to Recruits.

    There are three Top League Ranks

    The League Marshal is the League's founding member. They are authorized to:

    - Accept and decline requests to join their League.
    - Send other Lords offers to join their League.
    - Set terms and conditions for joining their League.
    - Update League News.
    - Set and edit League Ranks for other members of the League.
    - Appoint League Captains to be their second in command.
    - Issue Orders.
    - Remove Lords from their League.
    - Delegate their status to another member of the League.
    - Set Diplomatic Statuses with other Leagues.
    - Disband the League.

    League Captains are second in command to the League Marshal. There can be 2 League Captains in a League. They are authorized to:

    - Accept and decline requests to join their League.
    - Send other players offers to join their League.
    - Update League News.
    - Set and edit League Ranks for other Members of the League (except for League Marshal and other League Captains).
    - Appoint Field Commanders.
    - Remove players from the League (except for the League Marshal and other League Captains).

    The Field Marshal is a Lord who commands the League's rank and file (Fighters, Knights, Guardians, Soldiers and Recruits). The Field Commander coordinates the League's military actions and reports to the League Marshal or his League Captains. Field Commanders are authorized to:

    - Set and edit League Ranks for subordinate League members (not including the League Marshal, League Captain, or other Field Commanders).
  • Leagues Tab
    Here you can view League information filtered by the following categories:
    - Position: League's position in the Leagues of Legend Rankings.
    - Realm: Your total Influence over the lands of Stormfall.
    - Banner: League banner.
    - Name: League name.
    - Leader: League Marshal. Click on their image to set visit their Castle.
    - Warriors: the number of members in the League.
    - Status: Your current Diplomatic Status with other Leagues.
    - Actions: Here you can view the League's description or set terms and conditions for joining the League, send a request to join the League, or send a message to the League Marshal.
  • My League Tab
    Here you can view: the general League information (its Banner, Position, number of Warriors, Realm, the Terms and Conditions for joining the League, and League description); League Warriors (their name, Rank, Castle names, and coordinates; you can go to a Lord's Castle by clicking on its coordinates); League News; Diplomacy, Statistics, Applicants, and Invitations.
  • League Management
    Some of the features in the "My League" window are available only to the League Marshal, League Captains, and Field Commanders. A League can be managed in the following ways:

    - Edit the description or terms and conditions of joining the League. To edit the League description, click the button in the top left-hand part of the "My League" window. Enter the description or terms and conditions. This information will be displayed to all players in the List of Leagues. This feature is available only for League Marshals.

    - Update League News. Click the "Write" button in the top right-hand part of the "My League" window. Then enter the text that will be displayed to all League members if they go to their Embassy and open the "My League" tab. This feature is available only for League Marshals and their League Captains.

    - Accept or decline requests to join the League. To view the requests, go to the "My League" tab at the Embassy and click the "Applicants" tab. This feature is available only for League Marshals and their League Captains.

    - Send invitations to join the League. Go to a player's Castle and choose the "Invite to League" button from the list of actions. You can also invite your Friends by clicking their user image on the Friend List and choosing the "Invite to League" action from the pop-up menu. This feature is available only for League Marshals and their League Captains.

    - Set and edit League Rank for League members. Open the "My League" tab at the Embassy, and click the button next to a player's League Rank icon, then choose and set a new League Rank for this warrior. League Marshals can appoint League Captains. League Captains cannot appoint other Captains or edit the current Marshal's and Captains' League Ranks. This feature is available only for League Marshals, their League Captains, and Field Commanders.

    - Remove Lords from the League. Open the "My League" tab at the Embassy and click the "Cast out of League" button in the "Actions" list. This feature is only available to League Marshals and their League Captains. League Captains cannot remove other Captains or the League Marshal from the League.

    - Delegate League Marshal status. Click the button next to a Lord's League Rank icon and set the "League Marshal" Rank.

    - Disband the League. Open the "My League" tab at the Embassy and remove all Members from the League, including yourself.

    - Set Diplomatic Statuses with other League. Open the "My League" tab at the Embassy, go to the "Diplomacy", and choose the required Diplomatic Status: Ally, At Peace, Enemy, at War, or Neutral. This feature is available only for League Marshals or those entrusted with such power.

    League Marshals and those entrusted with such power can now view their League Members' Units. Go to the "My League" tab, open the "Statistics" section and choose the Unit type you would like to see. You will receive information on Total Units, Total Defense or Offense points, as well as some additional information.
  • Beacons. Overview
    With the return of Balur and his Black Horde, the Beacons are the only hope for resisting the rising tide of darkness that now threatens Stormfall. The Leagues that rebuild and control these sacred temples can save Stormfall, project their power over surrounding territories, and rise above their rival Leagues. Your League's ability to capture, hold, and rebuild the Beacons will determine its standing and the borders of its realm. As your League conquers and strengthens Beacons, your growing influence over the lands of Stormfall will be shown on the Imperial Map.

    This quest shall not be easy. Even now, the orcish hordes are moving to occupy the Beacons, and defending against their armies and those of your rivals is but part your mission. Rebuilding Beacons will take vast amounts of resources and close coordination. No single Lord among you can do it alone - to join this battle you must join a League, or start your own.

    Beacons can be found throughout Stormfall. They may be heavily defended by Balur's orcs or rival Leagues - so plan your attack carefully.

    Any League that captures a Beacon must defend it from increasingly powerful waves of the Black Horde. The battle will be brutal, but you will have one secret weapon. The enchantments woven into the foundations each Beacon have the power to trap the Dark Essence of all of Balur's spawn slain while attacking it. Your League may use this Essence to perform a dark ritual to "Darken" your own units - reducing their need for food, increasing their strength, and improving their effectiveness in combat. Once you have taken a Beacon, you must begin rebuilding it with Resources or Sapphires. As it is rebuilt, each Beacon's Defensive Bonus; Dark Essence collection efficiency; Dark Essence Storage Capacity; and effective range of protection will increase - along with the range of unit types it can Darken.
  • Dark Essence/Darkening Units. Overview
    With the daily weakening of Eir and the slow death of our sun, only the Beacons stand between us and the coming night. Balur and his Marennon masters know this all too well, and even now they drive their Black Horse to occupy them. This must not come to pass or all shall be lost. Any League that captures a Beacon must defend it from increasingly powerful waves of the Black Horde (and the armies of rival Leagues). The battles will be brutal, but you will have one secret weapon...

    The strong enchantments woven into the foundations each Beacon have the power to trap and store the Dark Essence of all of Balur's spawn slain during the defense of your League's Beacons. Your League may use this Essence to perform a forbidden ritual to "Darken" your own units - imbuing them with a spark of the evil that grants Balur's forces their strength. This will reduce their need for food, increase their defensive and offensive statistics, and improve their effectiveness in combat. All Dark Essence reclaimed from fallen Black Horde units is stored within the Beacon where the battle took places.
  • Beacon Range
    The extent of influence a Beacon has on surrounding territory is determined by the Beacon's Range. This is calculated according to its upgrade level and proximity to adjoining Beacons controlled by the same League. This means that two Beacons of identical upgrade levels can have different Ranges. If a Beacon is positioned adjacent to one or more Beacons owned by the same League, it will have a higher range - so try and capture as many adjoining Beacons as possible. The total controlled territory of all the Beacons controlled by your League will be the sole factor determining your League's position in the League Rankings and influence on the Imperial Map.
  • Beacon Management
    Once a League has captured a Beacon, its Members must pool their Resources or Sapphires towards upgrading it. Every League Member can contribute resources towards the Beacon's next upgrade level. The progress bar will display the League's collected contribution. Once the progress bar is full, the Beacon will upgrade to the next level and its range and power will increase. If a League's Beacon is captured, it automatically loses 1 Level an hour. If a League succeeds in re-capturing the Beacon within 60 minutes after it's been captured by another League, the Beacon will retain its current level.

    You can get information about your League's Beacon in your Grand Marshal's reports. Your Lord Steward will inform you on Resource deliveries to the Beacons.
  • Beacon Interaction (Map)
    Place your cursor over a Beacon on the Imperial Map to choose from a set of possible actions:

    - "Send Reinforcements" to a Beacon
    - "Conquer" - Send a force to capture a Beacon.
    - "Dispatch Spies" - Attempt to Spy upon a Beacon.
    - "To the Embassy" - Opens the Embassy window and allows you to view the stats of any Beacon your League currently holds by clicking the "Beacons" tab. You may also send Reinforcements to a desired Beacon from this window.
    - "Change scale" - Switches between the Imperial and Regular Map.

    Clicking on the Beacon's icon opens the Beacon Statistics window and offers you the following three tabs (if this Beacon is currently controlled by your League):

    "Beacon" where you can :
    - Send additional Resources and Sapphires, and check the Beacon's upgrade progress
    - Monitor the amount of Dark Essence your League has gained from fallen Black Horde units
    - Redistribute Dark Essence to different Beacons

    "Garrison" where you can:
    - Send Reinforcements to a Beacon
    - View Units currently guarding a Beacon
    - Open the "Beacon" tab at your Embassy ("Show all Beacons")

    "Darkening" where you can:
    - Perform the "Darkening" ritual
    - View the "Darkening" History

    Use the Navigation Panel or Mouse Scroll from the Imperial or Regular Map to view a Beacon's pop-up action menu.

    If a Beacon is captured by the Enemy, all surviving Units guarding the Beacon will be returned to their Castles.
  • Beacon Interaction (Castle)
    To control a Beacon from the Embassy, your League must have captured at least one Beacon on the Map. Once you have control of one or more Beacons, go to the Embassy and open the "Beacon" tab. From here you can view information on the number and type of Units currently garrisoned at any Beacon occupied by your League. League Captains and Field Commanders can also use this interface to redistribute Dark Essence between the Beacons. Click on the Beacon's icon to view the Beacon on the Map. Click the button in the right-hand part on the screen to open the Beacon's stats window. From here you can add Resources and Sapphires towards its next upgrade level or resupply its Dark Essence. The Beacon control window is available at the Embassy only if you are already a Member of an existing League, or have created your own.

    You will receive battle reports on your League's Beacons in your Grand Marshal' reports. Your Lord Steward will keep you informed on Resource deliveries between your Castle and your League's Beacons.

    To control Reinforcements garrisoned at a Beacon, open the "Garrisons" tab. From here you can view, reinforce, or recall any Reinforcements you have stationed at Beacons captured by your League.
  • Runes of Fealty
    Runes of Fealty are tokens of loyalty that allow you to raise your League's maximum membership limit. (Max: 150 members)
    Upon reaching level 50, League Members will automatically begin receiving League Runes of Fealty for every 5th additional Level attained. The rate at which Runes of Fealty are earned will increase over time:
    Level 50 – 1 Rune of Fealty
    Level 55 – 2 Runes of Fealty
    Level 60 – 3 Runes of Fealty
    Level 65 – 4 Runes of Fealty
    Starting from Level 70 – 5 Runes of Fealty

    To use the feature, go to the Embassy and open the "My League"/"Expansion" tab. From here you can view how many Runes of Fealty you and your League members currently have available, or apply your Runes of Fealty towards raising your membership limit. Each additional League Membership slot requires 20 Runes of Fealty to unlock. All level 50+ League Members may contribute towards League expansion. All Runes of Fealty have been retroactively applied to reflect current Experience Levels.
  • League Achievements
    League Achievements are optional challenges that require the combined efforts of all members within a League. Upon completion of each Achievement, a League will be rewarded with a League-wide bonus that will give them a significant edge over their competition in Stormfall, along with additional perks for each participating League Member. These may include Skull Runes, Units, permanent modifications to their Castle or Unit statistics, or other features.

    All League Achievements feature multiple levels. Upon completion of each Achievement Level, your League will be rewarded with increasingly larger bonuses. After completing the required number of Achievement Levels, each Achievement will automatically be certified ‘Gold'. When a League has completed all Achievements at the ‘Gold' rating, either the League Marshal or League Captain may take a screenshot of their Achievements (taken at the Embassy) and submit it to the Plarium support team to get unique League logo.

    There are 22 League Achievements:

    1. Order of Eldur
    To complete this Achievement, a League must hold a specified number of Level 5 Beacons simultaneously for a minimum of 15 uninterrupted minutes.

    2. Weor's Warriors
    To complete this Achievement, a League must defeat the indicated number of Level 5 enemy Beacons.

    3. Conquerors
    To complete this Achievement, a League must use its Beacons to control the specified area of Darkshine territory for at least 15 uninterrupted minutes.

    4. Dana's Hunters
    To complete this Achievement, a League must defeat the indicated number of Bestiary Units (not including Spying Units) at enemy Beacons.

    5. Dark Acolytes
    Complete this Achievement by using the indicated quantity of Dark Essence to grant Dark Status to your Units.

    6. Heroes of Stormfall
    To earn this Achievement, several League Members must be simultaneously featured in the Top 10 of the Battleground Rankings.

    7. Brotherhood of Lovar
    A League must recruit the indicated number of League Members to complete this Achievement.

    8. Black Knights
    To complete this Achievement, a League must downgrade enemy Beacons by the total number of Levels indicated. (For example, if you are required to downgrade 500 Beacon Levels in total, you may weaken 500 Beacons by 1 Level each, or 100 Beacons by 5 levels each, etc.)

    9. Ran's Champions
    To earn this Achievement, a League must win the indicated number of Challenges.

    10. Tournament Legends
    To earn this Achievement, a League must earn the indicated number of Challenge Points in a SINGLE Challenge.

    11. Captains of the Guard
    To complete this Achievement, a League must earn the indicated number of Points when "At War" with other Leagues.

    12. The Guardsmen of Oberon
    To earn this Achievement, a League must hire Units that are worth the indicated number of Power Points.

    13. The Warriors of the Divine Blade
    To earn this Achievement, a League must earn the indicated number of Points by attacking or defending Battlegrounds.

    14. The Legionaries of Stormfall
    To earn this Achievement, a League must gain the specified amount of Resources from Raids.

    15. The Overlords of Darkshine
    To earn this Achievement, a League must complete the set number of Daily Quests.

    16. The Claws of Farwol
    To earn this Achievement, a League must destroy rival Units that are worth the indicated number of Power Points.

    17. Bran's Constructors
    To earn this Achievement, a League must upgrade Beacons the indicated number of times.

    18. Hounds of Mara
    To earn this Achievement, a League must defeat the indicated number of Occult Units at enemy Beacons.

    19. Tormentors
    To earn this Achievement, a League must defeat the indicated number of Cavalry Units at enemy Beacons.

    20. Banishers
    To earn this Achievement, a League must defeat the indicated number of Infantry Units at enemy Beacons..

    21. Artisans
    To earn this Achievement, a League must upgrade its League Fortress up to the indicated Level

    22. Stormbringers
    To earn this Achievement, a League must downgrade enemy League Fortresses (of Level 10 or higher) the indicated number of times.

    Power Points

    Power Points are a unique value assigned to each Unit in the game, based on and relative to its respective Offensive or Defensive value. Power Points are used to make progress towards certain Achievements, and also play a significant role in the base calculation for experience points earned during battles.
  • Achievement Bonuses
    There are two kinds of bonuses for League Achievements - League Bonuses, and Individual Bonuses.

    League Bonuses
    These are awarded to a League collectively upon successful completion of a League Achievement. These bonuses can take the form of ranking point boosts in the League Rankings, or League-wide bonuses to Unit or Castle statistics for all participating League Members. League Bonuses earned while being a member of one League are non-transferable, and can not be retained upon leaving that League. League Members joining a League after it has earned an Achievement will not enjoy the benefits of any existing League Bonuses. If you leave your League and join another one, you will be able to receive League Achievement bonuses only after you have been in that League for 7 days or more.

    Individual Bonuses
    These are your personal rewards for assisting your League in completing a League Achievement – these could take the form of Skull Runes, free Units, or special items. To claim your bonus, click on the highlighted "Claim Reward" button in the "My League" section of the Embassy once your League has successfully completed an Achievement. Individual Bonuses are one-time offers and, like League Bonuses, cannot be used or earned again once you've left the League in which you received it, even if your new League earns a similar League Achievement.

    To view the list of League Achievements, along with their Terms and Bonuses, go the "My League" tab in the Embassy.
  • League Attacks
    League Attacks allow you and your fellow League Members to deploy powerful attacks from up to three League Members.

    Only League Marshals, League Captains, Field Commanders, and Fighters are authorized to organize and launch League Attacks and manage their League Members' Units. A maximum of 3 League Members can take part in a single League Attack. League Attacks may be used to attack Beacons and Fortresses, but can NOT be used to lay siege to another Lord's Castle or attack Battlegrounds.

    League Attack Mechanics

    Follow these steps to participate in a League Attack:


    Appoint a League Marshal, League Captain, Field Commander, or Fighter to coordinate and launch the League Attack.
    2. Have all participating members select «Send Reinforcements» from any interface to reinforce the attack coordinator.
    3. Choose the OFFENSIVE Units required for the mission and click «Send».


    Once the attack coordinator has received all reinforcements needed, they may launch the attack by:

    1. Choosing the Settlement or Beacon to be raided and opening the «Raid» window.
    2. Selecting "League Attack".
    3. Selecting the League Members who will be participating in the League Attack (only their Offensive Reinforcements will take part in a battle) and launching the Raid.

    As with other Reinforcements, sending Offensive Reinforcements to capture other Settlements does not allow you to collect Resources from that Settlement. You can help League Members capture their Settlement, but distribution of proceeds is determined by League leadership. Only the League Attack coordinator is authorized to collect Resources from a Settlement.

    Once you've sent Offensive Reinforcements to take part in a League Attack, go to the Keep and open the "Tracking" tab to check current information about your Units location and movement.

    If you send your Units for a League Attack all losses, or Experience points will be proportionally distributed among those players who have taken part in the attack.

    The maximum number of Units that can be sent determined by the Force Limit of the attack coordinator. All reinforcing Units will continue to supported by their home Castles throughout all steps of the League Attack.
  • League Diplomatic Status
    League Marshals and those they entrust with Diplomatic Privileges have the power to negotiate 5 distinct Diplomatic Statuses with other Leagues in Stormfall.

    1. Neutral - All Leagues begin with Neutral Status towards all other Leagues. Leagues with Neutral relations can still attack each other's Beacons within normal Attack Limits.

    2. Ally – This is a symbolic designation with no effect on gameplay. Allied Leagues have publically professed their mutual respect and friendship, but are not prevented from attacking each other's Beacons within normal Attack Limits.

    3. Enemy – This is a symbolic designation with no effect on gameplay. Leagues with Enemy Status have publically declared their hostility towards each other, but are still restrained to Beacon attacks within normal Attack Limits.

    4. At Peace – Leagues who have declared a State of Peace are unable to make war upon one another's Beacons.

    5. At War – Leagues who have declared a State of War shall not be bound by any Attack Limits when attacking each other's Beacons.

    6. In a Challenge – a status when one League challenges another one to prove their superiority. Once a Challenge Condition is initiated, the countdown timer starts and the Challenge points are being calculated.

    NOTE: ONLY League Marshals or those they entrust with Diplomatic Privileges can change Diplomatic Statuses with other Leagues.


    To change your Diplomatic Status with another League, go to your Embassy's "Leagues" tab, find the League, click on the icon in the "Status" column, and choose the desired Diplomatic Status from the pop-up menu. Once you have changed the Diplomatic Status, the other League will receive a notification to accept or decline the new status. Once the other League has accepted the Status change, the offer cannot be cancelled. You and your League Members will only see the new Diplomatic Status as active when the other League has accepted the change.


    Go to the Embassy, open the "My League" tab, and click "Diplomacy" to view all pending Diplomatic requests from other Leagues.
  • League Quests
    League Quests are special missions that allow you to cooperate with your League Members to complete global objectives. All League Quests are given at random, and each League will have 24 hours to complete them. Participation is optional, however each completed League Quest grants huge rewards to your League. Each League Quest features multiple phases. Upon completion of each phase of a League Quest, your League will be rewarded with increasingly larger rewards. All rewards received are stored at the Black Market, within the "Misc." tab.

    There are 6 League Quests:

    1. Train Units: to complete this Quest, a League must train Units that are worth the indicated number of Power Points.

    2. Engage Battlegrounds: to complete this Quest, a League must earn the indicated number of points by attacking or defending regular Battlegrounds. If your fellow Lords complete Saga Quests, the points they earn will ONLY be added to their individual Ranking and won't count towards the completion of the League Quest.

    3. Raid rival Castles: to complete this Quest, a League must gain the specified amount of Resources from Raiding enemy Castles.

    4. Complete Daily Quests: to complete this mission, a League must complete the required number of Daily Quests.

    5. Kill enemy Units: to complete this Quest, a League must earn the required number of points by destroying enemy Units.

    6. Downgrade Enemy Beacons: to complete this Quest, a League must earn points by downgrading Enemy Beacons.