Lost Arts

  • Overview
    You must master the Lost Arts in order to access new types of Buildings and Units.

    Construct the House of Scrolls to begin discovering new Lost Arts.

    The more you upgrade the House of Scrolls, the faster you will finish discovering new Lost Arts. Discovering each Lost Art costs Gold, Iron and Food. The more advanced the Lost Art, the more expensive it is. The cost of discovering a given Lost Art will become progressively more expensive with each Mastery Level.

    After a certain point you will find that you need to acquire a set number of Scrolls to unlock discovering on a specific new Lost Art. You will get a new Scroll from your Scribe every day you play, but you must have a complete set of specific Scrolls for a given Lost Art before you can begin research. For example, if you have 3/6 Scrolls for Runic Blades and 5/8 for Wyvern's Blood... you still can't discover either one. You can trade with other players for specific Scrolls you need... so in this case Trade 3 of your Runic Blades Scrolls for 3 more Wyvern's Blood Scrolls, then you can begin discovering Wyvern's Blood.

    If you have discovered all Lost Arts that do not require Soulstones, you will receive a boost to your Gold and Iron production. Your boost will begin the day after you have discovered all Lost Arts. Once a new Lost Art appears, your boost will be placed on hold until you discover the new Lost Art; in which case the Boost will begin once again.
  • House of Scrolls
    Construct the House of Scrolls to gain access to the Lost Arts.
    Here you can control your research into the ancient Lost Arts you'll need to develop your Castle and build you armies. While in your Castle, click "Lost Arts" on the right-hand panel to access your Lost Arts panel.

    You can drag the screen from right to left or zoom in and out using either your scale control at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, or your mouse's scroll wheel.

    Click each Lost Art to find out:
    - which buildings and Units it grants access to;
    - how many Scrolls you need to discover it;
    - what effect it will have on your Units;
    - how many Mastery Levels are available for this Lost Art;
    - how many Experience Points you earn for discovering it.

    Place your cursor over the "Discover/Upgrade" button to see how much upgrading or discovering a Lost Art will cost.
  • Scrolls
    After discovering your first few Lost Arts you will need to begin collecting sets of Scrolls to unlock discovery of higher-level Lost Arts.

    You will get a new Scroll from your Scribe every day you play, but you must have the complete set of Scrolls for a given Lost Art before you can begin discovery. For example, if you have 3/6 Scrolls for Runic Blades and 5/8 for Wyvern's Blood you will still be unable to Discover either Art.
    You can trade with other players for specific Scrolls you need by visiting your House of Scrolls or your Market.

    To exchange Scrolls at the House of Scrolls:

    1. Open the "My Scrolls" tab at the House of Scrolls.
    2. Select a Lost Art.
    3. Choose the Scroll you wish to offer.
    4. Click the "Exchange" button.
    5. Select the Scroll you wish to receive.
    6. Click the "Make Offer" button.
    7. Go to the Market and open the "Trade Scrolls" tab to view the Offer you've created. You will also be able able to see when your Offer expires from this menu, and delete any pending offers you've made that have yet to be accepted.

    To exchange Scrolls at the Market:

    1. Go to the Market and open the "Trade Scrolls" tab.
    2. Click the "Extend Offer" button.
    3. Choose a Scroll you wish to trade.
    4. Click the "Make Offer" button.
    5. Set the "My" filter to view your Offers.

    You can also gift Scrolls to your friends instead of Trading. You can do this in several ways:
    1.Visit your Friend's Castle, click "Actions" and choose "Send Scrolls" to send them a Scroll.
    2. You can also go to Map, find your Friend's Castle, and choose "Send Scroll" from the drop-down menu.
    3. Find a Friend on the Friends' panel, click on the Friend's profile picture, and choose "Send Scroll" on the drop-down menu.

    Whichever method you choose will open a window where you can select which Scroll you wish to send. Once you've selected a Scroll click the "Send a Scroll" button.
    In order to view Offers from other Lords, go to the Market and set a filter (All, Available, Friends, or My). If your request is not found you will see an empty list. You can also use the "Looking for" and "Offering" drop-down menus to filter your search.

    If you discover a Lost Art, trade Scrolls, or send them to your Friend as a gift they will disappear from your Castle. Once used or exchanged they are no longer available - you will not retain a copy.
  • Levels
    Lost Arts that unlock new Units have 20 Levels of Mastery.

    The higher the Level of Mastery you gain in a Lost Art, the stronger its related military Units (e.g. to increase your Pikemen stats, master the Lost Art of Imperial Steel).

    You can view the current Mastery Level at the top part of each Lost Art's window.